The Kingdom of God!


Chapter 60




It's so great to be a part of the Kingdom of God. We have an opportunity to be the answer to our nation's dilemma that we find ourselves in at this time. We as the Body of Christ have the authority to change the direction of our nation. However, we cannot do this by prayer alone! When God created you and I He made it a partnership and there are some things that God wants us to be involved in and He will work with us to cause them to come to pass.


That is why I say that we must become involved in making this nation once again based on Christian principles. What can you do to bring this to pass?


You can declare what the Word of God has to say when confronted with situations at work. You can become active in the Parent/Teachers meetings at your children's school. Find out what your child's teachers are teaching them and make sure it is not contrary with the Word of God. If necessary, join the PTA and help them make the right decisions according to the Kingdom of God.


You can become involved in politics. You can get behind those who operate according to the Kingdom of God. If a candidate believes in abortion, socialism, or anything that doesn't align up with the Word of God, work to see that they are not elected.


When you are talking to people and they say something that goes against the Word, confront them and tell them what the Word says. These are just some of the ways you can make a difference, but you cannot just go along with what they are saying.


Peter said in 1 Peter 3:21, (NIV)


"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. For it is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil."


The good news today is that there are millions of Christians, known as the remnant, that are doing just that. The remnant of the Church is standing up and making the will of God known in the political, in the business, in the social environments and especially in the spiritual realms.


I talk a lot about the remnant. Let me give you an example of how the Kingdom of God is organized. On the great day of Pentecost, in Acts 2, there were gathered in the upper room 120 of God's people. Out of that number there were 12 apostles. That is 10% of the body of believers gathered in the upper room.


In the Kingdom of God there is a remnant of believers that have the calling of God to be shepherds to govern the Church. Not everyone is called to be a shepherd. Most are called to be sheep. The sheep follow the shepherd and they know his voice. The important thing for you to remember is that it is the sheep who give birth to the lambs. If you are called to be a sheep in the Kingdom of God it is a very important calling because it is the sheep who will produce babes in Christ so that the Body of Christ can grow and be multiplied.


The remnant in the Body of Christ are the ones that go to war with the enemy and fight for the victory. There is a tremendous spiritual warfare going on in our nation, and not only our nation but others. The remnant are the ones who are in the front lines in this battle and taking authority over Satan and doing combat in the spiritual realms. But they are not alone! Jesus is working with them and the outcome is victory.


Mark 16:20 says,


"They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen."



Arizona State Representive, Mark Fincham, along with several of his colleagues are calling for nullification and reclamation of their electoral college electors. Arizona State Senator Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers said that anyone of these discrepancies would be enough to merit decertification.



-         23,344 mail-in ballots from persons no longer living at that address

-         17,322 duplicate ballots, which surged AFTER the election

-         2,382 voters who voted in-person but had moved out of Maricopa Co.

-         2,081 voters moved out of state

-         3,432 more ballots cast than the listed people who showed as casting a vote

-         9,041 mail-in voters show returning more ballots than they were sent

-         277 precincts showed the official canvas as having more ballots cast than people that showed up to vote. The total ruffly 10551

-         2472 ballots showing in one of the systems that don't have the corresponding entries in the backup system

-         Nearly 300 dead people voted

-         23,344 mail-in ballots voted after they moved, and after the deadline


If you would like to see if your state was involved in this corruption, go to

and click on The Battle Ground and select what area your State is in and them select your State.